My vision for Ivory Legal PLLC’s branding was always one involving clean, simple, and modern lines, but what iconography would create the most unique and accurate impression of the firm’s ideals?
I’ve always been fascinated by the noble and mighty elephant. In addition to providing knowing nods to both Ivory Legal PLLC’s namesake and my chosen musical instrument (even though piano manufacturers haven’t used ivory tops on piano keys since the early 1970s), the elephant best evokes a few of the central tenets of the firm’s Bespoke Business Counsel approach.
First – Elephants remain within family groups for their entire lives, never straying far from their mothers and chosen mates. The elephant’s focus on loyalty and responsibility to those closest to it mirror my own values in both my family and professional lives. I think these personality traits are necessary for any trusted business advisor. With Ivory Legal PLLC, I want to build close, long-term relationships with my “family” of clients, helping them each attain their business goals.
Second – While it is untrue that elephants never forget, they do have an astounding ability to imprint large amounts of information central to their survival on their enormous, 10.5 pound brains. The memories of matriarchal elephants include the identities of each member of their herd and even migration routes passed down over generations of the group. Again, a great memory and understanding of a client’s institutional knowledge, risk tolerances, and structural preferences are central to effective legal representation of businesses.
If you or your business are ready for counsel to apply these elephantine attributes to your legal needs, let’s schedule some time to chat.